OEM & Hikvision V5 Firmware GUI with XView Cameras

Compatibility tested on OEM DS-7608NI-M2/08P f/w v5.03.010_240606 with method below:

  1. Plug laptop/PC directly into a POE Port on the NVR – remove a camera temporarily if needed.
  2. This step only necessary if you are going to log into the camera - but is convenient:
    • Set laptop on same range as POE port range, generally this would be something like, using an address that will not clash with cameras.
    • Get the correct NVR POE Port Range from NVR Menu → System Settings → Network → Network TCP/IP and check the Internal NIC IPv4 address shown.
  3. On the PC/Laptop, use the XView Search Tool (available on A.S.S. website in the Downloads section for XView) to find all XView cameras plugged into the NVR POE Ports.
  4. Using the XView Search Tool (IP Batch Setting), manually set each XView Camera IP address to the required Channel POE port IP address. For example:
    Channel IP Address
  5. Only after setting the camera IP addresses, go to NVR Menu → Device Access → Device Config → PoE Settings, and take the required channel(s) off Plug-n-Play for however many XView cameras you have, then save.
  6. In NVR Menu → Device Access → Device → Video Device, at the bottom half of the screen, you should see the XView cameras you have manually assigned IP addresses. Hit refresh if required.
    • Tick all the XView cameras that need to be learnt in and click +Quick Add. They will move from the lower half of the screen to the top and be learnt in.
  7. If XView cameras are on a POE switch on the LAN, learn them manually in a similar manner by addressing the cameras first with IP addresses that suit the LAN IPv4 range.

Test playback on every camera before leaving the site.