OEM & Hikvision V5 Firmware GUI with XView Cameras
Compatibility tested on OEM DS-7608NI-M2/08P f/w v5.03.010_240606 with method below:
- Plug laptop/PC directly into a POE Port on the NVR – remove a camera temporarily if needed.
- This step only necessary if you are going to log into the camera - but is convenient:
- Set laptop on same range as POE port range, generally this would be something like
, using an address that will not clash with cameras. - Get the correct NVR POE Port Range from NVR Menu → System Settings → Network → Network TCP/IP and check the Internal NIC IPv4 address shown.
- Set laptop on same range as POE port range, generally this would be something like
- On the PC/Laptop, use the XView Search Tool (available on A.S.S. website in the Downloads section for XView) to find all XView cameras plugged into the NVR POE Ports.
- Using the XView Search Tool (IP Batch Setting), manually set each XView Camera IP address to the required Channel POE port IP address. For example:
Channel IP Address D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 - Only after setting the camera IP addresses, go to NVR Menu → Device Access → Device Config → PoE Settings, and take the required channel(s) off Plug-n-Play for however many XView cameras you have, then save.
- In NVR Menu → Device Access → Device → Video Device, at the bottom half of the screen, you should see the XView cameras you have manually assigned IP addresses. Hit refresh if required.
- Tick all the XView cameras that need to be learnt in and click +Quick Add. They will move from the lower half of the screen to the top and be learnt in.
- If XView cameras are on a POE switch on the LAN, learn them manually in a similar manner by addressing the cameras first with IP addresses that suit the LAN IPv4 range.
Test playback on every camera before leaving the site.